Saturday, January 16, 2016

SJS8 - Haiti and the Crisis Caravan

Source: Finan, William. "Haiti and the Crisis Caravan." Current History 112.751 (2013): 77-8. Print.

Author Credentials: William Finan is an author of many published works that are found in scholarly journals dealing with many areas of the world. Overtime, Finan became the editor of the journal and all in all still publishes his works throughout the series. He has traveled to many places and has experienced the lifestyles of many other across the world in which he uses throughout his articles.

Summary: Throughout this article, Finan talks about the book Farewell Fred Voodoo in which he believes summarizes the struggles Haiti is facing after the earthquake that hit it not too many years ago. There are people who are starving, unemployed, underpaid, don't have electrical services, etc. who live here and are struggling to survive. The earthquake left Haiti in great poverty in which Finan blames the United States for. William Finan says that it was the United States who backed out of supporting Haiti and leaving the country in a pit. This can be referred to 1915-34 when the U.S. left Haiti, taking their military and leaving them with less money and a corrupt governmental system. When the earthquake hit, the poverty only made things worse for Haiti. With next to no money, people who suffered were not getting the correct medical treatments and when celebrities showed up to "help" the country restore itself, it was seen as an insult to the who lived in Haiti. An example would be how Kim Kardashian showed up to help those struggling in clothing that was expensive while those who were living there wore worn-down fabrics. Many critics believed that it was publicity stunt for the celebrities own image as suppose to helping the country all in all.

Analysis: Finan provides a strong argument on the issues that the Haitian people face in today's world. Poverty and unemployment being among some of the major aspects that have shaped Haiti to this day. Finan is very supportive of the fact that the United States was the first to impact the country towards poverty by suddenly leaving Haiti and how now the country is extremely unstable.

1 comment:

  1. You need to expand on the author's credentials - what makes Finan a credible, reliable source on this topic? Also, please proofread for grammar before posting.


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