Tuesday, January 12, 2016

PDP7 - The Vietnamese Declaration of Independence

Author Bio: Ho Chi Minh was a famed Vietnamese nationalist leader, founder of both the French and Vietnamese Communist parties. When writing Vietnam's Declaration of Independence, he sought to make his country free from French rule and away from a dark, colonial history.

Date/Context: The document marks the emergence of a new brand of thinking in the aftermath of World War II. Still prior to the Cold War, Ho Chi Minh had received U.S. aid in the fight against Japan. With this being said, Ho Chi Minh was a Communist, yet instilled both many U.S. and French values in his Declaration.

Summary: The Declaration basically highlight's Ho Chi Minh's grievances against the French and colonialism as a whole. It specifically points out key instances, mentioning forces present at the end of World War II, like the Japanese, French, and the U.S. Minh forms a bold statement on behalf of the Vietnamese people of their freedom and rights to be independent.

Key Quotation: ''…we repeal all the intentional obligation that France has so far subscribed to on behalf of Vietnam and we abolish all the special rights the French have unlawfully aired in our Fatherland."

1 comment:

  1. Overall, the summary of the document is well done. It is concise and to the point. The date/context allows me to understand where the document takes place and in what time period. I also think that the key quotation really epitomizes the document.


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